
News, updates and information from Subsea Energy Solutions

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Equipment - SUB-BUOY™ Submerged Buoys (Mooring Chain)
Equipment - SUB-BUOY™ Submerged Buoys (Mooring Chain)


Orkney Islands

Project Challenge
Subsea Energy Solutions were requested to produce 6 surface buoys which provided 10 Te uplift each.

Project Solution
Subsea Energy Solutions were tasked to fabricate the buoyancy units from steel, this resulted in a unit which weighed 6.2 Te in air, however when submerged 10 Te uplift would be provided.

Project Outcome
Subsea Energy Solutions successfully provided the equipment fully tested and verified. A bespoke structure was produced in order to perform the padeye testing in which both padeyes were pulled away from each other at a load of 17 Te. We ensured that the units were completely sealed and water tight by internally pressurising the units with air, each section of every weld was then inspected in a non-destructive manner to visually verify no leaks.

